Next Insurance

Next Insurance stops scrollers with bold DR

Next Insurance turned to Newfangled Studios for help building a hard hitting direct response campaign that spoke confidently to small business owners.

Speaking the small business language

NEXT insurance was betting big with an always on direct-response campaign, so they turned to Newfangled Studios to maximize their existing library of assets and ensure the creative would be effective across multiple social platforms. Speaking to small business owners takes a special approach; we needed to value their time and get to the message quickly, without wasting their time on fancy gimmicks.

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"Overall, love, LOVE, LOVE!
Or more specifically, *chef's kiss*"
"This is beautiful! Outstanding work."
"You guys were the best partners for this. I so appreciate everything you did to help bring the story of Team UNBROKEN to life!
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Breathing life into a beautiful brand

Next had a stunning visual language, but it didn’t move. Newfangled brought the brand the life through animation, building a motion language that worked with and without sound, ensuring it would catch eyes regardless of platform. With some confident animation and storytelling, Newfangled was able to help NEXT break through with effective Direct Response across multiple platforms.


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