Staples Small Business Turns to YouTube to Boost Brand Consideration

As Staples ramped up their focus on presenting themselves as a frontrunner in the office supplies business, they turned to Newfangled’s Digital Video Studios to develop a dynamic YouTube campaign that would set them apart.

Turning office supplies into memorable moments.

With the products themselves lacking true differentiation from the competition, we had to develop a concept that was going to be memorable in another way to boost consideration. To solve this challenge, we found passionate small businesses owners who were inherently interesting, from a body-positive dance fitness instructor to glass blowing artisan to infuse excitement into the creative.

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"Overall, love, LOVE, LOVE!
Or more specifically, *chef's kiss*"
"This is beautiful! Outstanding work."
"You guys were the best partners for this. I so appreciate everything you did to help bring the story of Team UNBROKEN to life!
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Platform Expertise: Building for YouTube’s Skippable and Unskippable Ad Formats

Having an exciting story to tell was only half the challenge. In order to maximize the brand’s media buy on YouTube, we knew we’d need to produce both :15s and :06s versions of each concept to ensure we were following the platform’s ad structures for skippable and unskippable content.

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